Outreach and engagement are an integral part of transportation demand management (TDM). TDM practices are constantly evolving to meet the needs of residents, workers, and travelers. Outreach and engagement for TDM include, but is not limited to, traditional marketing in the form of print advertising and in-person promotions, and digital marketing. TDM outreach and engagement has increasingly moved into the online space, furthering its customer reach through on-demand mobile content and social media networks. Both approaches are complementary and work well together in helping people find their most affordable and convenient transportation options. TDM outreach and engagement help people fully realize the numerous healthy, fiscal, and environmental benefits of trying other modes of transportation.
Mobility Lab provides research expertise and analysis to various Arlington County Commuter Services programs that provide TDM planning and resources such as Arlington Transportation Partners, BikeArlington, and WalkArlington, that help them gain a better understanding of their employer, residential, government and educational clients.